Sunday, June 3, 2007

Happy and Sad News

Well the guy that lives here is happy but I am sad. The guy that lives here got a promotion and will be moving in the winter time. I am sad because he has been a great guy to live with but it is good news for him. Pictured here is some of the work he has started to do as final projects before he tries to sell me. Here you can see my nice floors that have been covered up for to many years. I wish I knew where he is moving to.

Morgan Creek

The good looking "Girlfriend" was here again on a visit. Sounds like they had a great time and even found a local winery.

Here is a picture of some friends that met the happy couple at the winery. Not sure that is the normal mode of transit to a wine tasting.

"New Table"

Check out my "new" table!! Ok, it isn't really new but the neighbor just finished refinishing it so it looks new. A cool thing about this table is that it is made totally from oak floor boards and was given to the guy that lives here from his aunt.