Monday, August 11, 2008

The FAIR is HERE!!!

It seems that I was not the only guy to have the idea of heading to the fair for the day. This means there is prime people watching. The weather was great with uncommonly cool temperatures and a nice breeze.

This year I got to see the classic cars. I have been going to the fair as long as I can remember and have only seen the show cars a couple of times. This picture was taken while I was walking the fair with my sister and niece. I won't say they are motorheads, but we still had fun enjoying the sparkling cars, engines, and hosts.

I did walk some with my brother and the other niece too. This is the way to take in the fair. Brent did offer to let me ride in the wagon, but only when a large down hill slope nearby.

Here is some of the "free" entertainment that is available at the fair. This was a great show that the kids really enjoyed. Of course means that I enjoyed the show!

Another smile caught on film. This little "princess" is getting good at playing for the camera. When your that cute you can be a ham and get away with it.

Brent also knows how to be a ham for the camera.

The fair is never complete until there is a pony ride.

And don't forget the petting and feeding of the animals. Here I was with enjoying the fair with Dad, Patty, and her family. It was fun to see the fair through their eyes for the first time.

And finally the homes on wheels. One perk to camping beside friends and family is you can break the mold and setup your own "court yard". My toy is at the far end. The two "little" campers on the sides are my brother's and Dads. This is just a preamble of the many camping trips still to come.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

the Gathering is about to begin

The Iowa State Fair is about to begin.

Tomorrow the fun begins. The campers (Dad's, Brent's, Mine) are all at the fair. I look forward to the fair because it is where the family and old friends always gather. And then we CELEBRATE!

Relay for life

It is time for the Relay for life. If you don't participate in this event you should find your local event and join in. This is a great support system for those that are fighting cancer and also for their family. Mom worked with this event when she was diagnosed with cancer and participated in the following years. The torch has been passed and now "we" (the family) carry on.

This Years Theme:


This is an all night event so I brought my own bed!


Brent also brought his bed, which is a little bigger. But as I have stated before, "Size does not matter".

Some walkers

As you can see here there was a pretty good turn out. Yes, little Alley was there too. She likes to "walk with Grandma Audrey". I know Mom was smiling the whole time.

Final Lap

Pictured here is the final lap. Brent was incredible again by walking for 12 continuous hours AGAIN. I believe this makes the 4th year in a row for him walking all 12 hours. If you think this is an easy task just try it. GREAT JOB Brent for raising the money and supporting the Relay for Life this much!

County Fair

Well the county fair has been here and gone already. The local fair is a great fair. There is no better place to meet friends and celebrate local talent. Don't forget the great food too.

Opening Day Parade

Now here is a group of guys having fun. Is this the perk to joining the "Zag-a-Zigs".

Parade Gathing

For the parade friends and neighbors gathered in the front yard of the neighbor's house. Ok, I'll be honest I invited myself and friends to the yard and made an impromptu party. Nothing tastes better on a hot day then lemonade (with some vodka). Funny how that will helps to get people to gather together.

Candy Candy Candy

Who says the candy at a parade is only for the kids. Here and the neighbor are out picking up the sweet morsels being thrown at us. The more we picked up the more they threw at us.

Is the parade over?

So the parade might have ended a few hours ago, but we didn't notice. In fact several of the floats stopped by see what was going on. It was a great party that mixed several groups of people. I look forward to next years parade.