Thursday, February 7, 2008

Finally I am back

Sorry for the delay in updating this site, but I have been living life to much to stop.

Well to start off, let me introduce some of my regular visitors.
These guys love to stop by every day and get a little snack. I think that they like the glass jar, but they can never figure out how to get the cob out.

No winter yard is complete without its own "Snow Angel". If this little angel doesn't melt your heart then your crazy!

This is a picture of my new baby. Basically it is an acme rocket with skis. IT IS FUN TO RIDE! Stop on in and we can take it out for a spin.

I am not the only one that got a new toy with skis. Now that is the picture of a spoiled kid! There was nothing like that when I was a kid.

Here is a picture of a good time waiting to happen. From left to right it is Uncle Black Sled, Kiddy Kat, and Red Sled. We now love when it snows.