Tuesday, April 1, 2008

What the HECK!!!

I guess this is mother nature's way of pulling an April Fools Joke. Yesterday was a rainy day and then in the morning we are covered with this STUFF. Now I love snow but it is time for it to be over. The good news is that it warmed up to the 40s today and it all melted away without any shoveling. Ha Ha mother nature!

Family Open

Now this is makes OdManorII a home. Here is most of the family the Saturday before Easter. Here we are at the start of the "Open house" for the family to meet the new OdManorII. It was great to share a meal around the old oak table that use to be my grandparents. This table is where we all grew up sharing meals at family reunions. I won't say that the furniture was matching but the paper plates all matched. Everyone was chowing down to store up energy to go golfing in MARCH in IOWA!

This is a good scene of the family just chilling. I am not sure what was on the TV because I think more attention was focused on those shorter than me.
Here we are warming up for the "Family Open". Yes we are inside and playing golf! In town there is this great place that is a bar/restaurant/indoor-golf place. I reserved the two "golf courses" were we all battled it out in the first ever "Family Open". In the end we all were winners because it took up nearly 3 hours to enjoy 4 holes of golf. Next time we might have to change up the teams. Pictured here is our warming up strokes at the driving range.

FINALLY it is EASTER. Now tell me what is more innocent looking than a little girl in her new Easter dress holding her freshly discovered eggs. It was amazing even with a dog in the house that darn Easter Bunny made it in the house and left its mark with eggs and CHOCOLATE.

Discovery of Easter Mess left by that darn bunny.

Here is a picture of everyone in their Easter outfits. The whole church adventure worked out great. We were nearly the last ones in church, first ones out of church, and put into the front of the line for the Easter Breakfast. Good news is this new church makes omelettes to order, bad news is to be early out of church you have to sit in the front rows. There is no nodding off in the front rows!

Here is the Famous Easter Meal. Ok maybe not so famous here. I am proud to say that only the "noodle salad" and relish came from the grocery store. This is were I need to also send a HUGE THANK YOU to my sister-in-law for doing most of the cooking and bringing the ham, cheeseee potatoes, buns, etc............ I helped where I could. There also needs to be a huge thanks to Teri since she did most of the dish clean up. There is still no dishwasher.

This is what I saw the day after Easter. Nothing like hosting a party then leaving the country. I bet my friends that live in St. Louis can guess what country this is.
Finally this is my view on Tuesday after Easter. For some reason I think it is funny to see a statue of a man with an egg as his body, eating an egg, two days after Easter which left me with 5 dozen eggs.

More to come..... STAY TUNED!!!!