If you look closely at the picture you can see a red half circle surrounding the top portion of my iris. This is where the laser cut the skin of my eye. The skin was then peeled back so the laser could get directly to my lens. My lens were then burned to the correct shape and the "flap" of skin was then flopped back into place.
It looks bad, but there is/was NO PAIN! My eye now feels dry but eye drops solve that problem. The only restrictions I have is that I can not swim for 6 weeks and NO RUBBING OF THE EYE! That means I will have to put my speedos away. BUMMER.
On a totally different subject I have been a cleaning/unpacking like a fool lately. I am getting ready for Easter. The whole Od-family will all be coming to "the big town" and having easter at the OdManor. I am excited to show off the new place. To add to the excitement, I am also planning a golf outing. Imagine that, a golf outing in northern Iowa the third week of March.
Stay tuned for exciting blogs.........................
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