Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Bob has multiplied!!!

IT IS A MIRACLE. Bob has multiplied! When I got home after a day of sleet and rain I found that Bob could not hold himself together (the small pile on the left). But in his place there are now two little ones and another big snowman/woman. This new snow person came complete with a face. Not sure how to identify the sex of the snow person so I will just call it Fred and the two little ones.

I can't say for sure who made these creations, but there are tracks leading directly to the neighbors house. Ahhh the fun of winter has STARTED!


Sue said...

How funny that these two mysterious snowmen just appeared in your yard. Sounds like you have fun neighbors!

Odland Manor said...

The neighbors are GREAT. I am a lucky man to have them close by. they hlep to make the town block a community!